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International » Nouri’s family censure inhumane behavior of Swedishofficials

“My husband traveled to Sweden with an invitation and as he was disembarking from the plane he was brutally detained and insulted by several police officers in front of a crowd of Iranians and others and taken into custody,” said the wife of Hamid Nouri, a former Iranian judiciary official, according to Press TV.

She further emphasized that Swedish authorities failed to inform Nouri’s family members about his arrest and that they learned from media reports about his detention in Sweden.

She added that eight months after Nouri’s arrest she was informed that she can go to the Swedish embassy to hold a brief telephone conversation with her husband under very restricted conditions.

She further censured the brutality and inhumane behavior of Swedish authorities in issuing an international police citation for Nouri along with his photo, requesting any information or complaints against him.

Nouri’s daughter also blasted Swedish authorities for their cruel treatment of his father, “beating him severely on several occasions, placing him in solitary confinement, denying medical care and attorney of his choice.”

She further stressed that her father was detained and imprisoned based on baseless claims of unidentified individuals that are members of a violent anti-Iran opposition group who appeared in court and shouted slogans and abusive language against my father.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned the Swedish ambassador to Tehran on Sunday to protest the continued imprisonment of a former Iranian official on trial in Sweden.

Swedish prosecutors have requested the maximum penalty of life imprisonment for Hamid Nouri, accusing the former Iranian judiciary official of prisoner abuse in 1988.

The charges against Nouri stem from accusations leveled against him by members of anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO).

He was arrested upon arrival in Sweden at Stockholm Airport in 2019 and was immediately imprisoned. Nouri, now 61, has been held in solitary confinement for over two years and his family has not been allowed to visit him in prison, according to Press TV.


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